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Re: Bildgåta

Post by Risberg »

marea baltica wrote: 17 May 2022 00:34 “Ser ut som Rysland (river boats, vegetation, glass frames), but it’s too neat and clean,” was the first impression of seeing the picture. :|

But there exists a canal that fits to both conditions: Saimaa canal between Saimaa lake and Vyborg. Situated in Karelia, built during the 19th century Tzar times, rented in full length by Finland and widened during Soviet Union times.

The picture seems to be taken in the Särkijärvi/Iskrovka lock, looking towards the east. Perhaps during early 90’s (or late 80’s)?

There’s a pretty cool video of travelling the canal (the lock in the picture is at 0:33 of the total 1min:38sec video length): ... imaa-canal
Det är därför jag godkänner tre alternativ för land; Finland, för att de driver kanalen som en inrikes kanal siden 1967, Ryssland, för där ligger slussen nu, og Sovjet, för det var det när bilden togs 1991. Men slussen är Brusnitsjnoje.
marea baltica
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Re: Bildgåta

Post by marea baltica »

Risberg wrote: 17 May 2022 18:38 /---/ Men slussen är Brusnitsjnoje.
With all due respect, here I would have to make a correction. :o
Brusnitsjnoje as the first lock when travelling from Vyborg is lower: the under-bridge clearance height is 8,5m as seen in the picture below. In addition, the view would be different since the quay starts already from the lock and the background water area is wider:

Therefore it has to still be Iskrovka lock, which is the second from Vyborg: under-bridge height sign is 10,2m as shown on the bridge. I now found that the clearance heights are actually brought here: ... vat_sillat

And also, Iskrovka lock has some distance of forested coast between the lock and the quay (with two riverboats), which was the main clue at first:

Brusnitsjnoje lock slightly lower:
003EC060-DB91-451A-AA58-FE436EC9CEB1.jpeg (48.12 KiB) Viewed 6806 times
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Re: Bildgåta

Post by Risberg »

marea baltica wrote: 18 May 2022 23:19
Risberg wrote: 17 May 2022 18:38 /---/ Men slussen är Brusnitsjnoje.
With all due respect, here I would have to make a correction. :o
Brusnitsjnoje as the first lock when travelling from Vyborg is lower: the under-bridge clearance height is 8,5m as seen in the picture below. In addition, the view would be different since the quay starts already from the lock and the background water area is wider:

Therefore it has to still be Iskrovka lock, which is the second from Vyborg: under-bridge height sign is 10,2m as shown on the bridge. I now found that the clearance heights are actually brought here: ... vat_sillat

And also, Iskrovka lock has some distance of forested coast between the lock and the quay (with two riverboats), which was the main clue at first:

Brusnitsjnoje lock slightly lower:
With equal due respect: I know what I have taken pictures of, I always cataloged my pictures immediatly when I got them developed and framed and of course in my note book when I took them.

The three pictures just before the one in Bildgåta 8:




Iskrovka I didn't take any picture of Brusnitsjnoje doesn't show how low or high it ist, as we don't see the water.

Your last picture of
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Re: Bildgåta

Post by Risberg »

FAN! Den dj-a markören hoppar. Ssta texten skall naturligtvis vara:

Iskrovka I didn't take any picture of. Your last picture of Brusnitsjnoje doesn't show how low or high it ist, as we don't see the water.

Dennis, det är faktiskt litet problematiskt att man har så begränsad tid til att rätta upp fel. I de flesta forum är den "evig"!
marea baltica
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Re: Bildgåta

Post by marea baltica »

The two locks under question are very nearby in distance and time and could pretty much consider as the same system. And I had real difficulties differentiating the locks at first, since they all have similar style. :)
You have unique and interesting pictures. Looks like a great ride through the locks on this fine ship!

Well, the clearance heights of the bridges I was referring to, are inside the red-framed white box sign on the road bridge side, which in the puzzle picture shows 10,2m. Alternative view of same height sign can be seen here, stated as Iskrovka bridge:

For Brusnitsjnoje bridge, the same red-framed white sign shows 8,5m, seen in the picture of my previous post.
Also, the background water area is much wider as seen here for Brusnitsjnoje bridge (please note the different quay on the left and a pier on the right side of the picture):

PS. I agree the editing time could be longer
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Re: Bildgåta

Post by Risberg »

Det var en tour med KRISTINA BRAHE från Kotka till Villmanstrand (Lappeenranta). Vi hade små sovjetiska pass när vi gick runt i Viborg, men ombord var vi alltid juridiskt i Finland, även när vi var i den delen av kanalen som låg i Sovjet.
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Re: Bildgåta

Post by Risberg »

Bildgåta 9 – kanalbildgåta 3

Hvilken kanal i hvilket land?

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Re: Bildgåta

Post by /jes »

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Re: Bildgåta

Post by Risberg »

/jes wrote: 22 May 2022 15:36Telemarkskanalen
Korrekt! Mellan Vrangfoss slussar och Nomevatn.
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Re: Bildgåta

Post by Risberg »

Bildgåta 10 – kanalbildgåta 4

Hvilken kanal i hvilket land?

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